Julieta is a clinical herbal therapist (CHT) and a board certified Doctorate of Natural Medicine (DNM). Julieta has been practicing holistic natural medicine since the fall of 2001. In her practice, she believes in empowering individuals with the use of our mind to nurture and promote their own health and well-being. At the same time, and as needed, supporting each patient’s holistic needs with nutrition, natural and herbal remedies, while promoting the body’s natural abilities to heal itself.
Her skills and training include:
- Phytotherapy (Herbal Medicine)
- Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling
- German New Medicine
- Salvestrol Therapy
- Bach Flower Essences
- Various energy therapies – (e.g., Reiki, Healing Touch (level-1), Touch for Health (Level-1), One Brain, Sacred Geometry,
- Mind and Visualization Treatments
- Samatha Meditation
- Reflexology
- Ongoing: I regularly take courses and training in natural and conventional medicine as a way of maintaining and improving my skills and services.
Julieta facilitates group supports and offers presentations and workshops in a variety of topics in her local community. She is a member of:
- Board of Natural Medicine Doctors & Practitioners – North-America (BNMDP-NA)
- The BC Herbalists Association (BCHA), formerly known as Canadian Herbal Association of BC (CHAOFBC))
For a full Curriculum Vitae (resume)